What is the meaning of the substation?

Publish Time: 2023-01-12     Origin: Site

The substation is mainly composed of electrical units such as multi-loop high voltage switch system, armored bus bar, integrated substation automation system, communication, telecontrol, metering, capacitance compensation and DC power supply. It is installed in a moisture-proof, rust-proof, dust-proof, and rat-proof , Fireproof, anti-theft, heat insulation, fully enclosed, movable steel structure box body, mechanical and electrical integration, fully enclosed operation.

What is the future development direction of substation?

What are the classifications of substation?

What is the allowed operation mode of substation?

What is the future development direction of substation?

(1) Fire protection problem: Compact substation is generally fully sealed and unattended operation. Although all equipment runs without oil and is equipped with a remote smoke alarm system, there are still fire hazards in the cabinet, such as cables, compensation capacitors, etc., once it breaks A fire is not conducive to ventilation and fire fighting, so you should consider designing an automatic fire extinguishing system, but this will increase the manufacturing cost of the Compact substation.

(2) Expansion problem: Due to the limitation of volume and manufacturing cost, the expansion margin of the outlet interval of the Compact substation is small. If you want to add 1 to 2 outlet intervals to the original cabinet, it is more difficult, and you must increase the cabinet to be able to Do it.

(3) Overhaul problem: Due to the consideration of manufacturing cost and box volume limitations during the manufacture of Compact substation, the space for overhaul of Compact substation is small, which is not conducive to equipment overhaul, especially emergency repairs. This is a congenital deficiency of Compact substation.

What are the classifications of substation?

substation can be divided into two types: ordinary and compact. Ordinary substations include ZBW and XWB, and compact substations include ZB1-336 and GE box-type substations. Box-type substation 10KV power distribution devices do not need circuit breakers. Commonly used are FN5-10 or FN7-10 load switches plus fuses and ring network power supply devices, which are branched from adjacent overhead lines to the high-voltage end of the transformer. According to different product structures and different components, it can be divided into two typical styles: European style box change and American style box change.

What is the allowed operation mode of substation?

a. The applied primary voltage of the substation can be higher than the rated voltage, and generally does not exceed 5% of the rated voltage of the running tap.

b. When the substation is running, the Buchholz relay protection should be signaled and tripped.

c. Before putting the transformer into operation, the attendant should carefully check to confirm that the substation is in good condition and has live operating conditions (whether the grounding wire is removed, check the position of the tap switch and measure the insulation resistance).

d. After major repairs, emergency repairs and oil changes, it should be kept still for 48 hours, and then put into operation after the bubbles in the oil are eliminated.

Zhejiang Zhegui Electric Co, as the most competitive manufacturer in China, we always devote ourselves to producing the most competitive substations for all customers.

We will work with other excellent partners to deliver more high-quality products to the world.


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